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Mark S Gray

* 1984 (41)
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Strongest win Mark S Gray (2089) 1-0 Richard Huw Thomas (2220)
Weakest loss Mark S Gray (2102) 0-1 George Ivanov (1683)

Openings Played as White (20)

B21 - Sicilian, 2.f4 and 2.d4
Average Elo: 2056
Result: 3/6 = 50%

C56 - Two Knights
Average Elo: 1977
Result: 2,5/5 = 50%

C06 - French, Tarrasch
Average Elo: 1994
Result: 4/5 = 80%

B23 - Sicilian, Closed
Average Elo: 2094
Result: 2/5 = 40%

C54 - Giuoco Piano
Average Elo: 2116
Result: 1,5/4 = 37,5%

B52 - Sicilian, Canal-Sokolsky (Rossolimo) Attack
Average Elo: 2103
Result: 2/4 = 50%

B01 - Scandinavian
Average Elo: 2004
Result: 2/3 = 66,67%

B40 - Sicilian
Average Elo: 2057
Result: 2/3 = 66,67%

B14 - Caro-Kann, Panov-Botvinnik Attack
Average Elo: 1995
Result: 2/3 = 66,67%

C41 - Philidor Defense
Average Elo: 2171
Result: 3/3 = 100%

C44 - King's Pawn Game
Average Elo: 1970
Result: 3/3 = 100%

B07 - Pirc
Average Elo: 2265
Result: 1/3 = 33,33%

B22 - Sicilian, Alapin
Average Elo: 2118
Result: 1/2 = 50%

C42 - Petrov Defense
Average Elo: 1945
Result: 1,5/2 = 75%

B09 - Pirc, Austrian Attack
Average Elo: 2222
Result: 1/2 = 50%

B13 - Caro-Kann, Exchange
Average Elo: 2028
Result: 2/2 = 100%

C03 - French, Tarrasch
Average Elo: 2108
Result: 1/2 = 50%

B27 - Sicilian
Average Elo: 2054
Result: 1,5/2 = 75%

B31 - Sicilian, Rossolimo Variation
Average Elo: 1968
Result: 2/2 = 100%

C40 - King's Knight Opening
Average Elo: 2043
Result: 1/1 = 100%

Openings Played as Black (20)

C55 - Two Knights Defense
Average Elo: 2114
Result: 3/5 = 60%

C80 - Ruy Lopez, Open
Average Elo: 2077
Result: 3/5 = 60%

D58 - Queen's Gambit Declined, Tartakower (Makagonov-Bondarevsky) System
Average Elo: 2120
Result: 1,5/4 = 37,5%

D35 - Queen's Gambit Declined
Average Elo: 2151
Result: 1,5/4 = 37,5%

E09 - Catalan, Closed
Average Elo: 2254
Result: 1,5/4 = 37,5%

D55 - Queen's Gambit Declined
Average Elo: 1903
Result: 1,5/3 = 50%

A18 - English, Mikenas-Carls
Average Elo: 2086
Result: 0,5/2 = 25%

C45 - Scotch Game
Average Elo: 2194
Result: 0,5/2 = 25%

A45 - Queen's Pawn Game
Average Elo: 2095
Result: 0,5/2 = 25%

A06 - Reti Opening
Average Elo: 2062
Result: 1,5/2 = 75%

D47 - Queen's Gambit Declined Semi-Slav
Average Elo: 2146
Result: 1/2 = 50%

A14 - English
Average Elo: 1815
Result: 1/1 = 100%

C59 - Two Knights
Average Elo: 2216
Result: 0,5/1 = 50%

C82 - Ruy Lopez, Open
Average Elo: 1806
Result: 1/1 = 100%

D36 - Queen's Gambit Declined, Exchange, Positional line, 6.Qc2
Average Elo: 2240
Result: 0/1 = 0%

E08 - Catalan, Closed
Average Elo: 1850
Result: 0,5/1 = 50%

D04 - Queen's Pawn Game
Average Elo: 2074
Result: 0,5/1 = 50%

C56 - Two Knights
Average Elo: 1990
Result: 1/1 = 100%

C77 - Ruy Lopez
Average Elo: 2215
Result: 0,5/1 = 50%

D00 - Queen's Pawn Game
Average Elo: 2055
Result: 0/1 = 0%

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1.d4 d5 2.c4 e6 3.Nf3 Nf6 4.g3 Be7 5.Bg2 0-0 6.0-0 Nbd7 7.Qc2 c6 8.Nbd2 b6 9.e4 Ba6 10.e5 Ne8 11.Re1 Rc8 12.cxd5 cxd5 13.Qa4 Nb8 14.Nf1 b5 15.Qd1 b4 16.h4 Nc6 17.Bg5 Bxg5 18.hxg5 Qb6 19.Ne3 Nc7 20.Qd2 Na5 21.b3 Nb5 22.Ng4 Nc6 23.Rad1 Nc3 24.Rc1 Ne2+ 25.Rxe2 Bxe2 26.Rxc6 Qxc6 27.Qxe2 Qc2 28.Qa6 Qb1+ 29.Kh2 Rc2 30.Qa5 Qxa2 31.Qxb4 Rfc8 32.g6 hxg6 33.Qe7 R2c3 34.Qh4 Rxf3 35.Bxf3 Qxb3 36.Kg2 Qc2 37.Ne3 Qb3 38.Qe7 a5 39.Qd7 Qb8 40.Nxd5 exd5 41.e6 fxe6 42.Qxe6+ Kf8 43.Bxd5 Qc7 44.Qg8+ Ke7 45.Qxg7+ Kd8 46.Qg8+ Ke7 47.Qxg6 Qd6 48.Qg5+ Qf6 49.Qe3+ Kd6 50.Bf3 Rf8 51.Qa3+ Kd7 52.Bg4+ Ke8 53.Qa4+ Kf7 54.Qxa5 Qxd4 55.Qf5+ Kg8 56.Qg6+ Qg7 57.Be6+ Kh8 58.Qh5+ Qh7 59.Qd5 Qg6 60.Qd4+ Qg7 61.Qe3 Qf6 62.Bd5 Rd8 63.Be4 Re8 64.Qf3 Qxf3+ 65.Kxf3 Kg7 66.Ke3 Kf6 67.Kf4 Rf8 68.g4 Rg8 69.Bf5 Rg7 70.Kg3 Rg5 71.Be4 Ra5 72.Kh4 Ke5 73.Bf5 ½–½
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Carstensen,J2353Gray,M2103½–½2017E09Bruges Masters op9
Gray,M2103Pel,B2255½–½2017B06Bruges Masters op8
Gray,M2103Frayna,J22480–12017B09Bruges Masters op6
Varga,Z2434Gray,M21031–02017C58Bruges Masters op3
Donovan,N2032Gray,M20820–12016C55Crawley e2e4 Gatwick op5
Gray,M2082Marley,A1943½–½2016B52Crawley e2e4 Gatwick op4
Arkell,K2457Gray,M20821–02016D02Crawley e2e4 Gatwick op3
Gray,M2082Clancy,M19371–02016B40Crawley e2e4 Gatwick op2
Gray,M2207Rich,M2260½–½2015B07BCF-chT2b 1516 (4NCL)1
Beckett,C2144Gray,M2093½–½2014D47BCF-chT2a 1415 (4NCL)2.225
Gray,M2093Maguire,R1973½–½2014C68BCF-chT2a 1415 (4NCL)1.37
Gray,M2086Morris,C21421–02014C06BCF-chT2c 1314 (4NCL)11.34
Purdon,C2148Gray,M2086½–½2014D47BCF-chT2c 1314 (4NCL)10.36
Gray,M2086Stockwell,M1976½–½2014B40BCF-chT2c 1314 (4NCL)9.38
Malhotra,T1997Gray,M2086½–½2014A06BCF-chT2c 1314 (4NCL)8.36
Gray,M2102Ivanov,G16830–12014C56BCF-chT2a 1314 (4NCL)7.28
Lam,P2127Gray,M20870–12014A06BCF-chT2a 1314 (4NCL)6.16
Gray,M2087Bullen,A20241–02014B13BCF-chT2a 1314 (4NCL)5.26
Gill,O1981Gray,M20901–02014C69BCF-chT2a 1314 (4NCL)4.27
Gray,M2090Lunn,M20451–02014B31BCF-chT2a 1314 (4NCL)3.47
Gray,M2078Radovanovic,J23390–12013B30London Classic op-B 5th5
Moritz,A2202Gray,M20780–12013C55London Classic op-B 5th4
Gray,M2078Sucikova,S19311–02013B14London Classic op-B 5th3
White,J1888Gray,M2078½–½2013A03London Classic op-B 5th2
Gray,M2078Liang,J18901–02013B31London Classic op-B 5th1
Gray,M2074Lalic,P21300–12013B14BCF-chT3 1213 (4NCL)11.88
Gray,M2074Chin,F21641–02013C09BCF-chT3 1213 (4NCL)10.69
Gray,M2074Armstrong,M20321–02013B13BCF-chT3 1213 (4NCL)9.77
Gray,M2074Walton,A2153½–½2013C03BCF-chT2c 1213 (4NCL) Promotion pool8.37
Coates,D2045Gray,M20741–02013D35BCF-chT2a 1213 (4NCL)7.27
Foster,C1857Gray,M20740–12013C80BCF-chT2a 1213 (4NCL)6.218
Gray,M2074Ackley,P20290–12013C06BCF-chT2a 1213 (4NCL)5.28
McMahon,P1992Gray,M2074½–½2013A00BCF-chT2a 1213 (4NCL)4.27
Gray,M2074Trevelyan,J21291–02013C41BCF-chT2a 1213 (4NCL)3.45
Gray,M2074Birtwistle,N2148½–½2012B27BCF-chT2a 1213 (4NCL)2.27
Gregory,K2047Gray,M2074½–½2012E09BCF-chT2a 1213 (4NCL)1.47
Gray,M2098Webster,R20041–02012C06Leicester Atkins op4
Sygnowski,T2037Gray,M20981–02012C31Leicester Atkins op5
Ghasi,A2430Gray,M20981–02012E09Leicester Atkins op3
Gray,M2098Cole,T-1–02012C06Leicester Atkins op2
Robinson,J1995Gray,M2098½–½2012D58Leicester Atkins op1
Gray,M2090Garrido Dominguez,J23880–12012B07BCF-chTd 1112 (4NCL)11.165
Houska,J2396Gray,M20901–02012D58BCF-chTd 1112 (4NCL)9.36
Gray,M2090Nitz,T20390–12012C56BCF-chTd 1112 (4NCL)10.176
Gray,M2090Bisby,D2259½–½2012B40BCF-chTd 1112 (4NCL)8.76
Gray,M2090Ledger,D2221½–½2012C54BCF-chTa 1112 (4NCL)7.27
Gray,M2090Smith,L19601–02012B27BCF-chTa 1112 (4NCL)6.48
Gray,M2090Almond,R21151–02012B01BCF-chTa 1112 (4NCL)5.45
Gray,M2090Briggs,J-1–02012C44BCF-chTa 1112 (4NCL)4.37
Gray,M2090Mossong,H2146½–½2012B07BCF-chT3S 1112 (4NCL)3.2
Gray,M2090Coleman,D22380–12011B52BCF-chTa 1112 (4NCL)2.7
Arakhamia Grant,K2434Gray,M2090½–½2011C78BCF-chTa 1112 (4NCL)1.7
Gray,M2084Gill,O-½–½2011C42BCF-chT2 1011 (4NCL)11.26
Gray,M2084Goodger,M2096½–½2011B01BCF-chT2 1011 (4NCL)10.37
Gray,M2084Stewart,J2082½–½2011B52BCF-chT2 1011 (4NCL)9.36
Gray,M2084Punnett,A2063½–½2011C03BCF-chT2 1011 (4NCL)8.37
Gray,M2084Davison,C18901–02011C44BCF-chT2 1011 (4NCL)7.47
Gray,M2084Archer,R1969½–½2011B51BCF-chT2 1011 (4NCL)6.36
Rich,M2145Gray,M20841–02011C28BCF-chT2 1011 (4NCL)5.22
Gray,M2084Young,A20241–02011C56BCF-chT2 1011 (4NCL)4.36
Gray,M2084Jameson,D2054½–½2011C54BCF-chT2 1011 (4NCL)3.17
Gallagher,I2090Gray,M2084½–½2010A45BCF-chT2 1011 (4NCL)2.46
Gray,M2084Sen,S21501–02010B52BCF-chT2 1011 (4NCL)1.34
Gray,M2089Freeman,R2061½–½2010B23BCF-chT2d 0910 (4NCL) Demotion pool11.7
Taylor,A1850Gray,M2089½–½2010E08BCF-chT2d 0910 (4NCL) Demotion pool10.5
Gray,M2089Franklin,M2190½–½2010B23BCF-chT2d 0910 (4NCL) Demotion pool9.3
Gray,M2089Thomas,M20491–02010C44BCF-chT2d 0910 (4NCL) Demotion pool8.6
Varnam,L2148Gray,M20891–02010C81BCF-chT2a 0910 (4NCL)7.4
Gray,M2089Faulks,N21110–12010B23BCF-chT2a 0910 (4NCL)6.5
Neil,D2157Gray,M20891–02010C32BCF-chT2a 0910 (4NCL)5.3
Headlong,T2188Gray,M2089½–½2009E09BCF-chT2a 0910 (4NCL)2.5
Gray,M2089Thomas,R22201–02009C41BCF-chT2a 0910 (4NCL)1.5
Gray,M2125Habershon,P2081½–½2009C08BCF-chT2d 0809 (4NCL) Demotion pool11.5
Gray,M2125Homer,N19251–02009B14BCF-chT2d 0809 (4NCL) Demotion pool10.6
Schuurman,P2348Gray,M21251–02009D35BCF-chT2d 0809 (4NCL) Demotion pool9.4
Crombleholme,A2098Gray,M21251–02009D55Southend op7
Gray,M2125Peterson,T-½–½2009B23Southend op6
Hebbes,T2107Gray,M2125½–½2009C80Southend op5
Gray,M2125O'Toole,G2125½–½2009C54Southend op4
Ledger,D2235Gray,M21251–02009C55Southend op3
Ashton,A2307Gray,M2125½–½2009C80Southend op2
Gray,M2125Quinn,J18811–02009C56Southend op1
Mueller,J2100Gray,M21381–02009A45BCF-chT2d 0809 (4NCL) Demotion pool8.5
Harakis,A2253Gray,M21381–02009D58BCF-chT2a 0809 (4NCL)7.3
Gray,M2138Coates,D2014½–½2009B23BCF-chT2a 0809 (4NCL)6.7
White,M2252Gray,M21381–02009C45BCF-chT2a 0809 (4NCL)5.3
Marsh,R2088Gray,M2125½–½2008D35BCF-chT2a 0809 (4NCL)4.6
Gray,M2125Goodger,M21641–02008C41BCF-chT2a 0809 (4NCL)3.4
Gray,M2129Kreuzer,C1949½–½2008B21BCF-chT3 0708 (4NCL)11.6
Tandi,E1910Gray,M21290–12008D30BCF-chT3 0708 (4NCL)9.5
Edwards,R2124Gray,M21010–12008D35BCF-chT3 0708 (4NCL)7.5
Gray,M2101Dilley,J21951–02008B09BCF-chT3 0708 (4NCL)6.3
Foster,J2091Gray,M2101½–½2008A18BCF-chT3 0708 (4NCL)5.3
Gray,M2114Ferrington,N21010–12007B21BCF-chT3 0708 (4NCL)4.6
Bennion,D2075Gray,M2114½–½2007C55BCF-chT3 0708 (4NCL)3.6
Gray,M2114Donovan,N2112½–½2007B22BCF-chT3 0708 (4NCL)2
Galloway,I2136Gray,M2114½–½2007C47BCF-chT3 0708 (4NCL)1
Burke,S2055Gray,M20951–02007D00BCF-chT4 0607 (4NCL)11.36
Gray,M2095Cooke,C19451–02007C42BCF-chT4 0607 (4NCL)10.56
Taylor,R2215Gray,M2095½–½2007C77BCF-chT4 0607 (4NCL)9.35