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Xuan Quynh Ngo

* 2005 (20)
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Strongest win Xuan Quynh Ngo (2086) 1-0 Quynh Anh Vuong (2091)
Weakest loss Gupta Anushka (1130) 1-0 Xuan Quynh Ngo (1581)

Openings Played as White (14)

D00 - Queen's Pawn Game
Average Elo: 1593
Result: 2/2 = 100%

B77 - Sicilian, Dragon, Yugoslav Attack
Average Elo: 2084
Result: 1/1 = 100%

B13 - Caro-Kann, Exchange
Average Elo: 2089
Result: 1/1 = 100%

D04 - Queen's Pawn Game
Average Elo: 1589
Result: 1/1 = 100%

B84 - Sicilian, Scheveningen
Average Elo: 1513
Result: 1/1 = 100%

B12 - Caro-Kann Defense
Average Elo: 1592
Result: 0/1 = 0%

C42 - Petrov Defense
Average Elo: 1214
Result: 1/1 = 100%

B08 - Pirc, Classical
Average Elo: 2077
Result: 1/1 = 100%

B72 - Sicilian, Dragon
Average Elo: 1338
Result: 1/1 = 100%

B59 - Sicilian, Boleslavsky Variation, 7.Nb3
Average Elo: 1775
Result: 0/1 = 0%

B32 - Sicilian
Average Elo: 2076
Result: 0/1 = 0%

D94 - Grunfeld
Average Elo: 2091
Result: 1/1 = 100%

C01 - French, Exchange
Average Elo: 2089
Result: 1/1 = 100%

B43 - Sicilian, Kan, 5.Nc3
Average Elo: 2087
Result: 0/1 = 0%

Openings Played as Black (13)

C50 - Giuoco Piano
Average Elo: 1584
Result: 1/3 = 33,33%

B45 - Sicilian, Taimanov
Average Elo: 1664
Result: 1/2 = 50%

D05 - Queen's Pawn Game
Average Elo: 2082
Result: 0/2 = 0%

B30 - Sicilian
Average Elo: 1587
Result: 0,5/1 = 50%

B01 - Scandinavian
Average Elo: 2075
Result: 0,5/1 = 50%

D00 - Queen's Pawn Game
Average Elo: 1608
Result: 1/1 = 100%

D30 - Queen's Gambit Declined
Average Elo: 2083
Result: 0,5/1 = 50%

B23 - Sicilian, Closed
Average Elo: 1130
Result: 0/1 = 0%

B40 - Sicilian
Average Elo: 1474
Result: 1/1 = 100%

D02 - Queen's Pawn Game
Average Elo: 1694
Result: 0/1 = 0%

A40 - Queen's Pawn Game
Average Elo: 2087
Result: 0,5/1 = 50%

B13 - Caro-Kann, Exchange
Average Elo: 2078
Result: 1/1 = 100%

B15 - Caro-Kann
Average Elo: 2082
Result: 0/1 = 0%

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1.d4 e6 2.Nf3 d5 3.e3 Nf6 4.Bd3 Bd6 5.Nbd2 0-0 6.0-0 b6 7.e4 dxe4 8.Nxe4 Be7 9.Nfg5 h6 10.Nxf6+ Bxf6 11.Nh7 Re8 12.Qf3 c6 13.Nxf6+ Qxf6 14.Qxf6 gxf6 15.Bxh6 Bb7 16.Rfe1 Nd7 17.Re3 f5 18.Rae1 Kh7 19.Rh3 Kg6 20.Ree3 Kf6 21.f4 Rh8 22.Bg5+ Kg6 23.Rhg3 Nf6 24.Bh4+ Ng4 25.Rxg4+ Kh6 26.Rgg3 Rag8 27.Bg5+ Kg7 28.Be7+ Kh6 29.Rh3+ Kg6 30.Reg3# 1–0
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Nguyen,T2079Ngo,X20861–02022D05VIE-ch U17 Girls7
Ngo,X2086Nguyen,M20870–12022B43VIE-ch U17 Girls6
Nguyen,T2082Ngo,X20861–02022B15VIE-ch U17 Girls5
Ngo,X2086Nguyen,T20891–02022C01VIE-ch U17 Girls4
Ngo,X2086Vuong,Q20911–02022D94VIE-ch U17 Girls2
Vu,B2084Ngo,X20861–02022D05VIE-ch U17 Girls3
Doan,T2078Ngo,X20860–12022B13VIE-ch U17 Girls1
Ngo,X2074Nguyen,H20771–02022B08VIE-ch U17 Girls7
Nguyen,M2087Ngo,X2074½–½2022A40VIE-ch U17 Girls6
Ngo,X2074Nguyen,T20841–02022B77VIE-ch U17 Girls5
Ngo,X2074Nguyen,T20760–12022B32VIE-ch U17 Girls4
Nguyen,T2075Ngo,X2074½–½2022B01VIE-ch U17 Girls3
Ngo,X2074Do,T20891–02022B13VIE-ch U17 Girls2
Luong,H2083Ngo,X2074½–½2022D30VIE-ch U17 Girls1
Dhyana,P1740Ngo,X15810–12021B45Eastern Asia-ch U16 Girls7
Ngo,X1581Divya,D17750–12021B59Eastern Asia-ch U16 Girls8
Ratnapriya,K1587Ngo,X15811–02021B45Eastern Asia-ch U16 Girls9
Bhagyashree,P1694Ngo,X15811–02021D02Eastern Asia-ch U16 Girls6
Fang,K1474Ngo,X15810–12021B40Eastern Asia-ch U16 Girls4
Ngo,X1581Nguyen,M15131–02021B84Eastern Asia-ch U16 Girls5
Anushka,G1130Ngo,X15811–02021B23Eastern Asia-ch U16 Girls2
Ngo,X1581Burbach,A12141–02021C42Eastern Asia-ch U16 Girls1
Ngo,X1581Lane,J13381–02021B72Eastern Asia-ch U16 Girls3
Nguyen,M1606Ngo,X15570–12014C50VIE-ch U09 Girls9
Ngo,X1557Thanh,U15920–12014B12VIE-ch U09 Girls8
Truong,K1608Ngo,X15570–12014D00VIE-ch U09 Girls7
Nguyen,T1576Ngo,X15571–02014C50VIE-ch U09 Girls6
Ngo,X1557Doan,T15951–02014D00VIE-ch U09 Girls5
Nguyen,N1571Ngo,X15571–02014C50VIE-ch U09 Girls4
Ngo,X1557Nguyen,H15911–02014D00VIE-ch U09 Girls3
Ngo,X1557Hua,N15891–02014D04VIE-ch U09 Girls1
Nguyen,L1587Ngo,X1557½–½2014B30VIE-ch U09 Girls2