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Gerhard Goetz

* 1948 (77)
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Strongest win Michael Willim (2190) 0-1 Gerhard Goetz (0)
Weakest loss Gerhard Goetz (1932) 0-1 Thomas Steinmetz (1843)

Openings Played as White (11)

A45 - Queen's Pawn Game
Average Elo: 0
Result: 1/5 = 20%

B21 - Sicilian, 2.f4 and 2.d4
Average Elo: 2292
Result: 0,5/3 = 16,67%

B90 - Sicilian, Najdorf
Average Elo: 1519
Result: 1/2 = 50%

B09 - Pirc, Austrian Attack
Average Elo: 0
Result: 1/1 = 100%

C69 - Ruy Lopez, Exchange, Gligoric Variation, 6.d4
Average Elo: 1995
Result: 0/1 = 0%

C43 - Petrov, Modern Attack
Average Elo: 2215
Result: 0,5/1 = 50%

C62 - Ruy Lopez, Old Steinitz Defense
Average Elo: 1915
Result: 1/1 = 100%

D21 - Queen's Gambit Accepted
Average Elo: 1461
Result: 0,5/1 = 50%

C06 - French, Tarrasch
Average Elo: 1843
Result: 0/1 = 0%

C14 - French, Classical
Average Elo: 1824
Result: 0/1 = 0%

D17 - Queen's Gambit Declined Slav
Average Elo: 0
Result: 0/1 = 0%

Openings Played as Black (11)

A45 - Queen's Pawn Game
Average Elo: 0
Result: 0,5/3 = 16,67%

B22 - Sicilian, Alapin
Average Elo: 1755
Result: 1,5/2 = 75%

A80 - Dutch
Average Elo: 1995
Result: 0/1 = 0%

C00 - French Defense
Average Elo: 0
Result: 0/1 = 0%

B20 - Sicilian
Average Elo: 2305
Result: 0/1 = 0%

A90 - Dutch
Average Elo: 1863
Result: 0/1 = 0%

A94 - Dutch, Stonewall with Ba3
Average Elo: 2190
Result: 1/1 = 100%

A39 - English, Symmetrical, Main line with d4
Average Elo: 1681
Result: 1/1 = 100%

B32 - Sicilian
Average Elo: 1454
Result: 1/1 = 100%

A46 - Queen's Pawn Game
Average Elo: 0
Result: 0,5/1 = 50%

D02 - Queen's Pawn Game
Average Elo: 0
Result: 0/1 = 0%

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1.d4 d5 2.Bf4 c6 3.Nf3 Bf5 4.Nbd2 e6 5.e3 Bd6 6.Bxd6 Qxd6 7.Ne5 Nd7 8.g4 Bg6 9.Nxg6 hxg6 10.f4 g5 11.Qf3 gxf4 12.exf4 0-0-0 13.0-0-0 Kb8 14.h4 Nh6 15.Bh3 f5 16.g5 Nf7 17.h5 Nf8 18.Rhe1 g6 19.h6 b6 20.Bf1 b5 21.Nb3 Nd7 22.Re3 Rc8 23.Rde1 Nd8 24.Kb1 a6 25.Bd3 Rh7 26.c3 Ka7 27.Na5 Kb6 28.b4 Nf8 29.Bc2 Nb7 30.Nb3 Ka7 31.Re5 Rf7 32.Nd2 Nd8 33.Qg3 Rh7 34.Nf3 Qc7 35.a4 a5 36.axb5 cxb5 37.Nh4 axb4 38.Bxf5 exf5 39.Qg2 Qxc3 40.Qa2+ Kb8 41.R5e3 Qxd4 42.Nf3 Qxf4 43.Qxd5 Qc4 44.Qe5+ Ka8 45.R3e2 Qd3+ 46.Kb2 Qa3+ 47.Kb1 Qd3+ 48.Kb2 Ra7 49.Qe3 Qc4 50.Ra1 Rxa1 51.Kxa1 Qc3+ 52.Kb1 Qxe3 53.Rxe3 Rc3 54.Re8 Rxf3 55.Rxd8+ Kb7 56.Rxf8 Rh3 57.Rf7+ Ka6 58.Rf6+ Ka5 59.Rxg6 f4 60.Rf6 Ka4 61.Rxf4 Kb3 62.Kc1 Kc3 63.Rf1 b3 64.Rg1 Kb4 65.g6 Rxh6 66.g7 Ka3 67.g8Q 1–0
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Piralizai,K-Goetz,G20851–02008D02Mecklenburg VP LL2 West 08094.6
Goetz,G1430Grabow,G15151–02008B90Mecklenburg VP LL2 West 08093.8
Goetz,G1430Fueller,K-0–12008D17Mecklenburg VP LL2 West 08091.8
Goetz,G1437Pamperin,G18240–12008C14Mecklenburg VP LL2 West 07085.8
Schreiber,K-Goetz,G1437½–½2007A46Mecklenburg VP LL2 West 07083.8
Goetz,G1437Haase,S15230–12007B90Mecklenburg VP LL2 West 07082.8
Ebel,K1454Goetz,G14370–12007B32Mecklenburg VP LL2 West 07081.8
Thuerauf,P1863Goetz,G19361–02005A90Mittelfrankenliga-B1 05062.8
Goetz,G1932Steinmetz,T18430–12005C06Mittelfranken-chT 04056.8
Scheuerlein,G1681Goetz,G19320–12005A39Mittelfranken-chT 04055.8
Zippel,H1755Goetz,G1932½–½2004B22Mittelfranken-chT 04051.8
Goetz,G1512Gusev,O1461½–½2000D21Mecklenburg VP LL2 West 00016.8
Schroeder,F1995Goetz,G17761–01998A80Regionalliga NO 9798
Gietl,T2305Goetz,G-1–01997B20Postbauer op U18 3rd
Goetz,G1776Fink,M19151–01997C62Regionalliga NO 9798
Goetz,G-Goessnitzer,H-1–01997B09Postbauer op U18 3rd
Goetz,G-Roeder,F22900–11997B21Postbauer op U18 3rd
Goetz,G-Schneider,H2215½–½1997C43Postbauer op U18 3rd
Goetz,G-Stephan,A-½–½1997B21Postbauer op U18 3rd
Goetz,G-Teslia,V22950–11997B21Postbauer op U18 3rd
Hepting,H-Goetz,G-1–01997C00Postbauer op U18 3rd
Sargin,A-Goetz,G-0–11997B22Postbauer op U18 3rd
Willim,M2190Goetz,G-0–11997A94Postbauer op U18 3rd
Goetz,G1860Lutzky,M19950–11995C69Regionalliga NO 9495
Lawatsch,H-Goetz,G-½–½1984A45Theme2 corr
Weber,H-Goetz,G-1–01984A45Theme2 corr
Goetz,G-Gnirk,H-0–11983A45Theme2 corr
Goetz,G-Lawatsch,H-0–11983A45Theme2 corr
Goetz,G-Odebrecht,A-1–01983A45Theme2 corr
Goetz,G-Ruisdonk,M-0–11983A45Theme2 corr
Goetz,G-Weber,H-0–11983A45Theme2 corr
Odebrecht,A-Goetz,G-1–01983A45Theme2 corr