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GM Athanasios Mastrovasilis

* 1979 (46)
Athanasios Mastrovasilis (Baku, 2016)
Pascal Simon
Baku (2016)
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Favourite opponent Anastasios Pavlidis (8/4/0)
Least favourite opponent Ioannis Nikolaidis (3/26/8)
Strongest win Athanasios Mastrovasilis (2497) 1-0 Ferenc Berkes (2702)
Weakest loss Athanasios Mastrovasilis (2506) 0-1 Metin Cakiroglu (2000)

Openings Played as White (20)

A49 - King's Indian, Fianchetto without c4
Average Elo: 2421
Result: 17/23 = 73,91%

E20 - Nimzo-Indian
Average Elo: 2478
Result: 11/20 = 55%

A26 - English
Average Elo: 2410
Result: 10,5/17 = 61,76%

A11 - English, Caro-Kann Defensive System
Average Elo: 2334
Result: 11/17 = 64,71%

D36 - Queen's Gambit Declined, Exchange, Positional line, 6.Qc2
Average Elo: 2441
Result: 9/15 = 60%

A37 - English, Symmetrical
Average Elo: 2396
Result: 10,5/15 = 70%

A16 - English
Average Elo: 2420
Result: 9,5/15 = 63,33%

A30 - English, Symmetrical
Average Elo: 2340
Result: 9,5/13 = 73,08%

D30 - Queen's Gambit Declined
Average Elo: 2408
Result: 7,5/13 = 57,69%

D02 - Queen's Pawn Game
Average Elo: 2209
Result: 9,5/13 = 73,08%

A25 - English
Average Elo: 2356
Result: 7/12 = 58,33%

E54 - Nimzo-Indian, 4.e3, Gligoric System
Average Elo: 2500
Result: 7/11 = 63,64%

A14 - English
Average Elo: 2307
Result: 9/11 = 81,82%

E05 - Catalan, Open, Classical line
Average Elo: 2445
Result: 5,5/11 = 50%

E81 - King's Indian, Samisch
Average Elo: 2305
Result: 7/10 = 70%

E01 - Catalan, Closed
Average Elo: 2349
Result: 7/10 = 70%

D45 - Queen's Gambit Declined Semi-Slav
Average Elo: 2334
Result: 6,5/10 = 65%

E70 - King's Indian
Average Elo: 2430
Result: 8/10 = 80%

D85 - Grunfeld
Average Elo: 2485
Result: 5,5/10 = 55%

D27 - Queen's Gambit Accepted, Classical
Average Elo: 2429
Result: 5,5/9 = 61,11%

Openings Played as Black (20)

C67 - Ruy Lopez
Average Elo: 2466
Result: 13/23 = 56,52%

C54 - Giuoco Piano
Average Elo: 2438
Result: 11/22 = 50%

C65 - Ruy Lopez, Berlin Defense
Average Elo: 2511
Result: 11,5/20 = 57,5%

A13 - English
Average Elo: 2290
Result: 11,5/17 = 67,65%

D35 - Queen's Gambit Declined
Average Elo: 2444
Result: 7,5/17 = 44,12%

C45 - Scotch Game
Average Elo: 2370
Result: 10,5/16 = 65,62%

B22 - Sicilian, Alapin
Average Elo: 2254
Result: 12,5/16 = 78,12%

E04 - Catalan, Open, 5.Nf3
Average Elo: 2413
Result: 6,5/14 = 46,43%

D37 - Queen's Gambit Declined
Average Elo: 2496
Result: 5,5/14 = 39,29%

A07 - King's Indian Attack
Average Elo: 2424
Result: 6,5/13 = 50%

B40 - Sicilian
Average Elo: 2279
Result: 8,5/13 = 65,38%

D36 - Queen's Gambit Declined, Exchange, Positional line, 6.Qc2
Average Elo: 2485
Result: 4,5/13 = 34,62%

A46 - Queen's Pawn Game
Average Elo: 2340
Result: 7/11 = 63,64%

E32 - Nimzo-Indian, Classical
Average Elo: 2481
Result: 5/10 = 50%

B43 - Sicilian, Kan, 5.Nc3
Average Elo: 2254
Result: 8,5/10 = 85%

C47 - Four Knights
Average Elo: 2334
Result: 6,5/10 = 65%

D02 - Queen's Pawn Game
Average Elo: 2444
Result: 5,5/10 = 55%

D41 - Queen's Gambit Declined, Semi-Tarrasch
Average Elo: 2543
Result: 4,5/10 = 45%

A14 - English
Average Elo: 2387
Result: 5,5/9 = 61,11%

E11 - Bogo-Indian Defense
Average Elo: 2334
Result: 2,5/9 = 27,78%

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1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 e6 3.g3 Nc6 4.Bg2 Nf6 5.Qe2 e5 6.0-0 Be7 7.d3 0-0 8.Bg5 d6 9.Nc3 Be6 10.Bxf6 Bxf6 11.Nd5 g6 12.c3 Bg7 13.Nd2 Qd7 14.f4 f5 15.Nc4 Rae8 16.Nce3 Ne7 17.Nxe7+ Rxe7 18.fxe5 dxe5 19.Nd5 Ref7 20.Rf2 Bxd5 21.exd5 h5 22.Raf1 Qd6 23.Kh1 Bf6 24.Re1 h4 25.Qe3 Rh7 26.Kg1 hxg3 27.hxg3 Kg7 28.a3 a5 29.Rc2 a4 30.Rb1 Bd8 31.b4 axb3 32.Rxb3 b6 33.d4 e4 34.dxc5 bxc5 35.Rb5 Bc7 36.Rcb2 Kg8 37.a4 Ra8 38.Rxc5 Rxa4 39.Rc6 Qxd5 40.Rxg6+ Kf7 41.Rh6 Ra1+ 42.Kh2 Rg7 43.Rh3 Qe5 44.Rb7 Rd1 45.Qh6 Rd7 46.Qc6 Ke7 47.Rb5 Qe6 48.Qc5+ Kf6 49.Rh6+ Rg6 50.Qxf5+ Qxf5 51.Rxf5+ Kxf5 52.Bxe4+ Kxe4 53.Rxg6 Be5 54.Rg8 Rf7 55.Kg2 Ra7 56.Rf8 Bxc3 57.Rf4+ Ke5 58.Rf2 Bd4 59.Re2+ Kf5 60.Rd2 Ra4 61.Re2 Ra3 62.Re8 Be5 63.Rf8+ Ke4 64.Rg8 Rb3 65.Rg4+ Ke3 66.Rg5 Rb2+ 67.Kh3 Ke4 68.Rg4+ Kf3 69.Rg5 Re2 70.Rf5+ Ke4 71.Rf8 Re3 72.Rg8 Kf3 73.Rf8+ Ke2 74.Rg8 Kf2 75.Rf8+ Kg1 76.Rg8 Rf3 77.Rg5 Bd4 78.Rg4 Bf2 79.Rg8 Be1 80.Rg4 Re3 81.Rg8 Re2 82.Ra8 Re3 83.Rg8 Re2 84.Ra8 Rh2+ 85.Kg4 Rh7 86.Ra1 Kf1 87.Kf5 Kf2 88.Rxe1 Kxe1 89.g4 Rf7+ 90.Ke6 Rg7 91.Kf5 Kf2 92.g5 Kf3 93.g6 Ra7 94.Kf6 Kf4 95.g7 Ra8 96.Kf7 Kf5 97.g8Q Rxg8 98.Kxg8 Ke5 ½–½
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Padmini,R2339Mastrovasilis,A2463½–½2024B40Thessaloniki SKG op-A 5th9
Mastrovasilis,A2463Hartofylakas,S21171–02024D02Thessaloniki SKG op-A 5th8
Raahul,V2311Mastrovasilis,A2463½–½2024D45Thessaloniki SKG op-A 5th7
Argiroudis,S2263Mastrovasilis,A2463½–½2024B13Thessaloniki SKG op-A 5th6
Mastrovasilis,A2463Nikolaidis,K21881–02024E47Thessaloniki SKG op-A 5th5
Charkhalashvili,I2239Mastrovasilis,A2463½–½2024D31Thessaloniki SKG op-A 5th4
Iskos,A2109Mastrovasilis,A2463½–½2024D35Thessaloniki SKG op-A 5th2
Mastrovasilis,A2463Betsakos,K21261–02024A13Thessaloniki SKG op-A 5th3
Mastrovasilis,A2463Pasa,A19681–02024D05Thessaloniki SKG op-A 5th1
Mastrovasilis,A2467Tsaknakis,Z22741–02024A49GRE-chT 51st7.1
Bozinakis,P2285Mastrovasilis,A2467½–½2024B15GRE-chT 51st6.1
Mastrovasilis,A2467Gkoumas,G24461–02024E21GRE-chT 51st5.1
Papakonstantinou,D2266Mastrovasilis,A24671–02024C87GRE-chT 51st4.1
Mastrovasilis,A2467Alexakis,D24920–12024A43GRE-chT 51st3.1
Hadzimanolis,A2207Mastrovasilis,A24670–12024C64GRE-chT 51st2.1
Mastrovasilis,A2467Georgiou,K22171–02024E01GRE-chT 51st1.1
Dzida,K2403Mastrovasilis,A2472½–½2024D37Paphos op 2nd9
Mastrovasilis,A2472Safarik,J20721–02024D05Paphos op 2nd8
Mastrovasilis,A2472Agdelen,H2410½–½2024E05Paphos op 2nd7
Colijn,S2254Mastrovasilis,A2472½–½2024D00Paphos op 2nd6
Mastrovasilis,A2472Levi,N21391–02024B07Paphos op 2nd5
Markidis,K2279Mastrovasilis,A2472½–½2024C00Paphos op 2nd4
Leftheriotis,A2062Mastrovasilis,A2472½–½2024B12Paphos op 2nd3
Mastrovasilis,A2472Zhdanov,P19601–02024D02Paphos op 2nd1
Mastrovasilis,A2484Sandalakis,A2417½–½2023D35GRE-chT 50th7.2
Chatzieleftheriou,A2351Mastrovasilis,A2484½–½2023B01GRE-chT 50th6.2
Mastrovasilis,A2484Kalogridis,A2338½–½2023A34GRE-chT 50th5.2
Alexakis,D2446Mastrovasilis,A24841–02023C26GRE-chT 50th4.2
Mastrovasilis,A2484Bizopoulos,A20551–02023D02GRE-chT 50th2.2
Mastrovasilis,A2484Vlahos,K2248½–½2023D27GRE-chT 50th3.2
Patrascu,C2279Mastrovasilis,A24841–02023C78Arad op 16th9
Mastrovasilis,A2484Martirosyan,H26830–12023E20Arad op 16th8
Bernadskiy,V2530Mastrovasilis,A24840–12023C54Arad op 16th7
Brnusak,T2238Mastrovasilis,A2484½–½2023B40Arad op 16th5
Mastrovasilis,A2484Lazov,T23561–02023E70Arad op 16th6
Mastrovasilis,A2484Pichot,A2642½–½2023E52Arad op 16th4
Guz,A2334Mastrovasilis,A24840–12023D00Arad op 16th3
Mastrovasilis,A2484Gandhi,A21801–02023D30Arad op 16th2
Bezeyko,A1726Mastrovasilis,A24840–12023B81Arad op 16th1
Brunello,S2496Mastrovasilis,A24841–02023D35Timisoara Foisor Memorial Rapid5
Gagare,S2461Mastrovasilis,A2484½–½2023E04Timisoara Foisor Memorial Rapid8
Mastrovasilis,A2484Bodiroga,P22871–02023D35Timisoara Foisor Memorial Rapid6
Mastrovasilis,A2484Roubalik,J2387½–½2023E56Timisoara Foisor Memorial Rapid7
Mastrovasilis,A2484Sinz,B23110–12023D31Timisoara Foisor Memorial Rapid9
Padurariu,M2227Mastrovasilis,A24840–12023B40Timisoara Foisor Memorial Rapid10
Engin,O2180Mastrovasilis,A25060–12023C58TUR-chT 2nd League9.11
Mastrovasilis,A2506Cakiroglu,M20000–12023B13TUR-chT 2nd League8.21
Yilmaz,G2223Mastrovasilis,A2506½–½2023C95TUR-chT 2nd League7.11
Mastrovasilis,A2506Tilicheev,V2496½–½2023E41TUR-chT 2nd League6.21
Sanikidze,T2495Mastrovasilis,A25061–02023D35TUR-chT 2nd League5.11
Mastrovasilis,A2506Rasulov,V25400–12023E29TUR-chT 2nd League4.11
Lintchevski,D2561Mastrovasilis,A2506½–½2023D36TUR-chT 2nd League3.21
Bayramov,Z2260Mastrovasilis,A2506½–½2023D56TUR-chT 2nd League1.21
Mastrovasilis,A2497Kelires,A2516½–½2023E59Paphos op 1st9
Mastrovasilis,A2497Basso,P2506½–½2023D14Paphos op 1st8
Alexakis,D2436Mastrovasilis,A24970–12023C49Paphos op 1st7
David,A2528Mastrovasilis,A2497½–½2023D35Paphos op 1st5
Mastrovasilis,A2497Kaczur,F2475½–½2023E54Paphos op 1st6
Mastrovasilis,A2497Alexiadis,H23351–02023A20Paphos op 1st4
Colijn,S2293Mastrovasilis,A24970–12023C77Paphos op 1st3
Mastrovasilis,A2497Casagrande,F21291–02023E47Paphos op 1st2
Constantinou,S1757Mastrovasilis,A24970–12023E20Paphos op 1st1
Agdelen,H2411Mastrovasilis,A2518½–½2023C55EU-ch 23rd11
Mastrovasilis,A2518Filip,A23251–02023E44EU-ch 23rd10
Mastrovasilis,A2518Vetokhin,S23880–12023D35EU-ch 23rd9
Kalogeris,I2409Mastrovasilis,A2518½–½2023C67EU-ch 23rd8
Mastrovasilis,A2518Yurtseven,M23271–02023D41EU-ch 23rd7
Piliposyan,R2314Mastrovasilis,A2518½–½2023D61EU-ch 23rd6
Mastrovasilis,A2518Farkas,T22471–02023D90EU-ch 23rd5
Burcu,C2331Mastrovasilis,A25181–02023A48EU-ch 23rd4
Mastrovasilis,A2518Secheres,A23690–12023E63EU-ch 23rd3
Barseghyan,A2382Mastrovasilis,A2518½–½2023D36EU-ch 23rd2
Mastrovasilis,A2518Starcevic,A22021–02023D90EU-ch 23rd1
Bagwe,G2125Mastrovasilis,A2520½–½2023A04Titled Tuesday intern op 07th Feb Early4
Balabayeva,K2185Mastrovasilis,A25200–12023A04Titled Tuesday intern op 07th Feb Early2
Mastrovasilis,A2520Forgacs,A22190–12023D85Titled Tuesday intern op 07th Feb Early1
Mastrovasilis,A2520Sukandar,I23831–02023A59Titled Tuesday intern op 07th Feb Early5
Mastrovasilis,A2520Vajic,G23021–02023E61Titled Tuesday intern op 07th Feb Early3
Makaraci,T2296Mastrovasilis,A2520½–½2023C29EU-ch Cities&Town op
Mastrovasilis,A2520Calin,A2169½–½2023D35EU-ch Cities&Town op
Mastrovasilis,A2520Kalogeris,I24091–02023D36EU-ch Cities&Town op
Mastrovasilis,A2520Kisic,B23031–02023A58EU-ch Cities&Town op
Mastrovasilis,A2520Paryokha,S2294½–½2023E42EU-ch Cities&Town op
Mastrovasilis,A2520Trichkov,V2329½–½2023D10EU-ch Cities&Town op
Movsesian,S2615Mastrovasilis,A25201–02023C64EU-ch Cities&Town op
Tudoroiu,R1923Mastrovasilis,A25200–12023E06EU-ch Cities&Town op
Utrera,L2045Mastrovasilis,A25200–12023C54EU-ch Cities&Town op
Guseinov,G2661Mastrovasilis,A25201–02022B06Braila GP RO Stage 57
Mastrovasilis,A2520Kuzubov,Y2618½–½2022D36Braila GP RO Stage 59
Mastrovasilis,A2520Van Foreest,J2690½–½2022D10Braila GP RO Stage 56
Mastrovasilis,A2520Vedmediuc,S24301–02022D11Braila GP RO Stage 58
Mastrovasilis,D2603Mastrovasilis,A25201–02022B47Braila GP RO Stage 510
Sethuraman,S2643Mastrovasilis,A25200–12022B00Braila GP RO Stage 55
Dobre,C2271Mastrovasilis,A25200–12022A13Braila GP RO Stage 53
Galatanu,I1924Mastrovasilis,A25200–12022D63Braila GP RO Stage 51
Mastrovasilis,A2520Costachi,M24761–02022D14Braila GP RO Stage 54
Mastrovasilis,A2520Sliwicka,A2250½–½2022D05Braila GP RO Stage 52
Jakubowski,K2483Mastrovasilis,A2519½–½2022A05GRE-chT 49th1.9