Flag of CZE

Petr Postl

* 1986 (39)
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Strongest win Petr Postl (2022) 1-0 Jiri Sochor (2301)
Weakest loss Josef Jahodka (1664) 1-0 Petr Postl (2010)

Openings Played as White (20)

B23 - Sicilian, Closed
Average Elo: 2234
Result: 1,5/5 = 30%

B21 - Sicilian, 2.f4 and 2.d4
Average Elo: 0
Result: 3/3 = 100%

B09 - Pirc, Austrian Attack
Average Elo: 1924
Result: 0/3 = 0%

C30 - King's Gambit Declined
Average Elo: 2129
Result: 1/2 = 50%

B24 - Sicilian, Closed
Average Elo: 2186
Result: 0/2 = 0%

B01 - Scandinavian
Average Elo: 2104
Result: 0/2 = 0%

C31 - King's Gambit Declined, Falkbeer Counter Gambit
Average Elo: 2040
Result: 0,5/2 = 25%

C33 - King's Gambit Accepted
Average Elo: 2210
Result: 0/2 = 0%

C00 - French Defense
Average Elo: 0
Result: 0,5/1 = 50%

B12 - Caro-Kann Defense
Average Elo: 0
Result: 0/1 = 0%

C32 - King's Gambit Declined, Falkbeer Counter Gambit
Average Elo: 1725
Result: 0/1 = 0%

C34 - King's Gambit Accepted
Average Elo: 0
Result: 0/1 = 0%

B54 - Sicilian
Average Elo: 2228
Result: 0/1 = 0%

C29 - Vienna Gambit
Average Elo: 2256
Result: 0/1 = 0%

B50 - Sicilian
Average Elo: 2107
Result: 0,5/1 = 50%

B33 - Sicilian
Average Elo: 2135
Result: 0,5/1 = 50%

B86 - Sicilian, Fischer-Sozin Attack
Average Elo: 2275
Result: 0,5/1 = 50%

C42 - Petrov Defense
Average Elo: 2301
Result: 1/1 = 100%

C10 - French
Average Elo: 1939
Result: 1/1 = 100%

B84 - Sicilian, Scheveningen
Average Elo: 1916
Result: 1/1 = 100%

Openings Played as Black (20)

B06 - Robatsch
Average Elo: 2150
Result: 0,5/4 = 12,5%

A85 - Dutch, with c4 & Nc3
Average Elo: 2029
Result: 0,5/2 = 25%

A86 - Dutch
Average Elo: 0
Result: 1,5/2 = 75%

B07 - Pirc
Average Elo: 1941
Result: 1/2 = 50%

C65 - Ruy Lopez, Berlin Defense
Average Elo: 1914
Result: 1/2 = 50%

B08 - Pirc, Classical
Average Elo: 1668
Result: 2/2 = 100%

B23 - Sicilian, Closed
Average Elo: 0
Result: 0/1 = 0%

C78 - Ruy Lopez
Average Elo: 1985
Result: 0,5/1 = 50%

B27 - Sicilian
Average Elo: 0
Result: 1/1 = 100%

B51 - Sicilian, Canal-Sokolsky (Rossolimo) Attack
Average Elo: 0
Result: 1/1 = 100%

C40 - King's Knight Opening
Average Elo: 1678
Result: 0/1 = 0%

A48 - King's Indian
Average Elo: 0
Result: 0/1 = 0%

C56 - Two Knights
Average Elo: 2288
Result: 1/1 = 100%

A42 - Modern Defense, Averbakh System
Average Elo: 2072
Result: 0/1 = 0%

A43 - Old Benoni
Average Elo: 2089
Result: 0/1 = 0%

C71 - Ruy Lopez
Average Elo: 2077
Result: 0,5/1 = 50%

A49 - King's Indian, Fianchetto without c4
Average Elo: 2046
Result: 0/1 = 0%

A10 - English
Average Elo: 2098
Result: 0/1 = 0%

A92 - Dutch
Average Elo: 2069
Result: 1/1 = 100%

C77 - Ruy Lopez
Average Elo: 1712
Result: 1/1 = 100%

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1.e4 d6 2.d4 g6 3.c4 Bg7 4.Nc3 Nf6 5.f3 0-0 6.Be3 c6 7.Qd2 e5 8.d5 Qc7 9.0-0-0 Rd8 10.Kb1 a6 11.g4 c5 12.Nge2 Nbd7 13.Ng3 Nf8 14.Bd3 Rb8 15.Rdg1 Bd7 16.Bh6 Ne8 17.h4 b5 18.h5 bxc4 19.Bxc4 Bb5 20.Bxb5 axb5 21.Nf5 b4 22.Ne2 c4 23.Bxg7 Nxg7 24.Nxg7 Kxg7 25.Ng3 f6 26.hxg6 hxg6 27.g5 c3 28.gxf6+ Kxf6 29.Nh5+ Ke7 30.Qg5+ Kd7 31.Qg4+ Ke7 32.Ng7 b3 33.Nf5+ Ke8 34.Rh8 bxa2+ 35.Ka1 cxb2+ 36.Kxa2 b1Q+ 0–1
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Pecka,J2054Postl,P19280–12023E88Pardubice Czech op-E 34th6
Babulova,M-Postl,P19000–12022B09Pardubice rapid op 33rd9
Cejka,J1731Postl,P19000–12022B08Pardubice rapid op 33rd5
Kroulik,V1749Postl,P19000–12022B07Pardubice rapid op 33rd6
Postl,P1900Brejnik,G22920–12022B15Pardubice rapid op 33rd4
Postl,P1900Dosedel,J20080–12022B09Pardubice rapid op 33rd7
Postl,P1900Jonsson,G20710–12022C16Pardubice rapid op 33rd8
Postl,P1900Neuman,P23780–12022B23Pardubice rapid op 33rd2
Vorel,B1605Postl,P19000–12022B08Pardubice rapid op 33rd3
Postl,P1900Cuhra,M22251–02022B23Pardubice Czech op-E 33rd6.4
Postl,P1900Gnojek,P22950–12022B23Pardubice Czech op-E 33rd7.4
Wasserbauer,R2149Postl,P19221–02022B06CZE-chT2B 212211.4
Postl,P1922Vavruska,D21920–12022B23CZE-chT2B 21228.3
Bores,R2089Postl,P19221–02022A43CZE-chT2B 21227.3
Postl,P1922Soukup,J23940–12021C33CZE-chT2B 21224.3
Postl,P1922Ondo,T20260–12021C33CZE-chT2B 21223.4
Postl,P1922Fajman,P21700–12021B24CZE-chT2B 21222.3
Postl,P1922Riha,J2082½–½2021B23CZE-chT2B 21221.4
Postl,P2010Korsa,J20370–12020B01CZE-chT2B 19207.7
Postl,P2010Chmel,K21290–12019C30CZE-chT2B 19202.6
Jahodka,J1664Postl,P20101–02019C55CZE-chT2B 19201.8
Benes,P2069Postl,P20240–12019A92CZE-chT2B 181911.8
Klakurka,S1917Postl,P20241–02019A80CZE-chT2B 18199.8
Klement,L2247Postl,P20041–02017A34CZE-chT2A 161711.3
Postl,P2004Folk,P21690–12017B30CZE-chT2A 161710.3
Cisler,P2181Postl,P2004½–½2017B06CZE-chT2A 16179.3
Postl,P2004Eret,M22350–12017B43CZE-chT2A 16178.3
Postl,P2004Freisler,P22560–12017C29CZE-chT2A 16176.3
Muron,M2153Postl,P2004½–½2016C45CZE-chT2A 16175.3
Postl,P2004Salac,J2082½–½2016B42CZE-chT2A 16174.3
Postl,P2004Adamek,Z22141–02016B07CZE-chT2A 16172.3
Krejcik,J2151Postl,P20041–02016A41CZE-chT2A 16171.3
Wolf,V2057Postl,P20101–02015B06CZE-chT2A 14157.8
Postl,P2010Jenc,M19161–02015B84CZE-chT2A 14156.8
Stinka,J1651Postl,P20100–12015C65CZE-chT2A 14155.8
Lysek,L2029Postl,P2010½–½2014A85CZE-chT2A 14153.8
Janda,J2177Postl,P20101–02014C65CZE-chT2A 14151.8
Misicko,J2064Postl,P19840–12014A26CZE-chT2A 13148.8
Postl,P1984Toulec,S2076½–½2013C31CZE-chT2A 13144.7
Postl,P2015Sladek,J20050–12012C31CZE-chT2A 12135.8
Koci,V1712Postl,P20150–12012C77CZE-chT2A 12131.8
Stastny,P2072Postl,P20631–02012A42CZE-chT2B 111210.8
Toulec,S2098Postl,P20631–02012A10CZE-chT2B 11129.8
Postl,P2063Klimek,P19391–02012C10CZE-chT2B 11128.8
Pesek,R2046Postl,P20631–02012A49CZE-chT2B 11127.8
Cenkovic,T2077Postl,P2063½–½2011C71CZE-chT2B 11121.8
Postl,P2022Sochor,J23011–02010C42CZE-chT2B 091011.3
Postl,P2022Schula,M2275½–½2010B86CZE-chT2B 091010.2
Postl,P2022Svarc,R2135½–½2010B33CZE-chT2B 09109.3
Oresky,J2133Postl,P20221–02010B07CZE-chT2B 09108.1
Postl,P2022Hrbolka,L2107½–½2010B50CZE-chT2B 09106.2
Petr,J2211Postl,P20221–02010B06CZE-chT2B 09105.2
Vagner,T2288Postl,P20220–12009C56CZE-chT2B 09104.1
Postl,P2022Umanec,F21710–12009B01CZE-chT2B 09103.3
Postl,P2022Havranek,M22280–12009B54CZE-chT2B 09102.2
Postl,P2034Danes,J22010–12008B24CZE-chT1W 07087.8
Volek,R1985Postl,P2053½–½2006C78CZE-chT2b 050611.7
Postl,P2050Prochazka,V18400–12005B09CZE-chT2b 05065
Hajsman,L-Postl,P-0–12001A86Jirasek Memorial op-B2
Postl,P-Sochor,F-1–02001B21Jirasek Memorial op-B4
Postl,P-Vyskocil,Z-1–02001B21Jirasek Memorial op-B3
Postl,P-Havel,M-1–02001C30Jirasek Memorial op-B1
Kral,P-Postl,P-1–02001A85Jirasek Memorial op-B
Postl,P-Steinfeld,J-0–12001B09Jirasek Memorial op-B
Tran,M-Postl,P-1–02001A48Jirasek Memorial op-B
Wadura,R-Postl,P-½–½2001A86Jirasek Memorial op-B
Postl,P-Kang,M-0–12000C34Czech-ch U169
Postl,P-Netusil,J-0–12000B12Czech-ch U163
Postl,P-Prazak,O-½–½2000C00Czech-ch U166
Postl,P-Stanek,O-1–02000B21Czech-ch U165
Postl,P-Zitek,A17250–12000C32Czech-ch U161
Pulec,A-Postl,P-0–12000B51Czech-ch U164
Routner,J1678Postl,P-1–02000C40Czech-ch U168
Stolc,M-Postl,P-0–12000B27Czech-ch U167
Vorsilka,J-Postl,P-1–02000B23Czech-ch U162