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Paul Cumbers

* 1975 (50)
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Favourite opponent Charles F Morris (3/0/0)
Strongest win James Cobb (2432) 0-1 Paul Cumbers (2207)
Weakest loss Paul Cumbers (2214) 0-1 Raymond Ilett (1883)

Openings Played as White (20)

C02 - French, Advance
Average Elo: 2142
Result: 10/14 = 71.43%

B12 - Caro-Kann Defense
Average Elo: 2071
Result: 5.5/8 = 68.75%

B22 - Sicilian, Alapin
Average Elo: 2182
Result: 2.5/5 = 50%

E20 - Nimzo-Indian
Average Elo: 2160
Result: 2/5 = 40%

D45 - Queen's Gambit Declined Semi-Slav
Average Elo: 2047
Result: 3.5/4 = 87.5%

B06 - Robatsch
Average Elo: 1969
Result: 3/3 = 100%

C45 - Scotch Game
Average Elo: 2137
Result: 2.5/3 = 83.33%

B25 - Sicilian, Closed
Average Elo: 2144
Result: 0.5/2 = 25%

B07 - Pirc
Average Elo: 1990
Result: 1.5/2 = 75%

C00 - French Defense
Average Elo: 2258
Result: 1/2 = 50%

D15 - Queen's Gambit Declined Slav
Average Elo: 2085
Result: 1/2 = 50%

E38 - Nimzo-Indian, Classical, 4...c5
Average Elo: 2456
Result: 0/2 = 0%

E97 - King's Indian
Average Elo: 2114
Result: 1/2 = 50%

E94 - King's Indian, Orthodox
Average Elo: 2239
Result: 1/2 = 50%

D36 - Queen's Gambit Declined, Exchange, Positional line, 6.Qc2
Average Elo: 2152
Result: 0.5/2 = 25%

D97 - Grunfeld, Russian
Average Elo: 2012
Result: 2/2 = 100%

A96 - Dutch, Classical Variation
Average Elo: 2268
Result: 0.5/2 = 25%

A90 - Dutch
Average Elo: 2250
Result: 1/1 = 100%

A26 - English
Average Elo: 2219
Result: 0/1 = 0%

A44 - Old Benoni Defense
Average Elo: 2279
Result: 0/1 = 0%

Openings Played as Black (20)

C12 - French, McCutcheon
Average Elo: 2124
Result: 8.5/12 = 70.83%

C02 - French, Advance
Average Elo: 2064
Result: 4.5/10 = 45%

C11 - French
Average Elo: 2066
Result: 4/6 = 66.67%

C01 - French, Exchange
Average Elo: 1714
Result: 4/5 = 80%

A34 - English, Symmetrical
Average Elo: 2101
Result: 3/5 = 60%

A65 - Benoni, 6.e4
Average Elo: 2360
Result: 1/4 = 25%

C06 - French, Tarrasch
Average Elo: 2172
Result: 2/4 = 50%

A70 - Benoni, Classical with 7.Nf3
Average Elo: 2281
Result: 1.5/4 = 37.5%

C03 - French, Tarrasch
Average Elo: 2060
Result: 2/4 = 50%

C04 - French, Tarrasch, Guimard Main line
Average Elo: 2220
Result: 1.5/4 = 37.5%

A80 - Dutch
Average Elo: 2143
Result: 1/3 = 33.33%

A47 - Queen's Indian
Average Elo: 2123
Result: 0.5/3 = 16.67%

A32 - English, Symmetrical Variation
Average Elo: 2227
Result: 0/2 = 0%

C17 - French, Winawer, Advance
Average Elo: 2280
Result: 1.5/2 = 75%

A26 - English
Average Elo: 2128
Result: 0.5/2 = 25%

A90 - Dutch
Average Elo: 2256
Result: 1.5/2 = 75%

A30 - English, Symmetrical
Average Elo: 2151
Result: 1.5/2 = 75%

A45 - Queen's Pawn Game
Average Elo: 1982
Result: 0/2 = 0%

A61 - Benoni
Average Elo: 1643
Result: 1.5/2 = 75%

C00 - French Defense
Average Elo: 2264
Result: 0/1 = 0%

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1.e4 c6 2.d4 d5 3.f3 dxe4 4.fxe4 e5 5.Nf3 Bg4 6.c3 Nd7 7.Bd3 Bd6 8.Nbd2 Ngf6 9.Nc4 Bc7 10.0-0 Qe7 11.Qc2 0-0 12.Bg5 Bxf3 13.Rxf3 h6 14.Bh4 Bb6 15.a3 Rae8 16.Re1 Qe6 17.Nxb6 axb6 18.Kh1 Nh5 19.a4 Qg4 20.Bf2 Re6 21.h3 Qg5 22.g4 Nf4 23.Be3 Nxd3 24.Qxd3 Qe7 25.Bf2 Ra8 26.b3 Re8 27.d5 Rf6 28.Rxf6 Qxf6 29.Kg2 c5 30.Rf1 Qd6 31.Qf3 Rf8 32.Be3 Nb8 33.h4 Na6 34.g5 hxg5 35.hxg5 Qg6 36.Qg4 Nc7 37.a5 Nb5 38.axb6 Nxc3 39.Bxc5 Ra8 40.Kf3 Nxd5 41.exd5 Qd3+ 42.Kg2 Qxd5+ 43.Qf3 e4 44.Qe3 Rc8 45.Rc1 Rc6 46.Rc4 Rg6 47.Be7 f6 48.Rc5 Qe6 49.Bd8 Qg4+ 50.Kf2 Qh4+ 51.Ke2 Qh2+ 52.Ke1 Qh1+ 53.Kd2 fxg5 54.Bxg5 Rd6+ 55.Kc2 Qg2+ 56.Kb1 Rd3 57.Qc1 Rxb3+ 58.Ka1 Rxb6 59.Ra5 Rc6 60.Qd1 Qh3 61.Qd5+ Qe6 62.Qd8+ Kf7 63.Be3 Qf6+ 64.Qd4 Qxd4+ 65.Bxd4 Ra6 66.Rxa6 bxa6 67.Kb2 g5 68.Kc3 Ke6 69.Be3 g4 70.Kd4 Kf5 71.Kd5 g3 72.Kd4 g2 73.Kd5 a5 74.Kd4 a4 75.Kc3 Kg4 76.Kd4 Kf3 77.Bg1 a3 78.Kc3 e3 0–1
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Cumbers,P2117Hazlehurst,C20940–12024B12BCF-chT3W 2324 (4NCL)11.52
Pozimski,S2019Cumbers,P21170–12024A00BCF-chT3W 2324 (4NCL)9.31
Cumbers,P2114Geue,N2145½–½2024C02BCF-chT3W 2324 (4NCL)8.62
Cumbers,P2114Nguyen,A17821–02024B28BCF-chT3W 2324 (4NCL)6.22
Zakarian,D1575Cumbers,P20870–12020A61BCF-chT2b 1920 (4NCL)2.58
Cumbers,P2087Shepley,J19141–02020B01BCF-chT2b 1920 (4NCL)1.76
White,S2106Cumbers,P20870–12020A67BCF-chT2b 1920 (4NCL)6.86
Cumbers,P2087Lyth,J1940½–½2020C55BCF-chT2b 1920 (4NCL)5.86
Cumbers,P2087Varney,Z20041–02020C54BCF-chTb 1920 (4NCL)4.68
Cumbers,P2087Gilfillan,A20021–02020B24BCF-chT2b 1920 (4NCL)3.75
Duggan,J2222Cumbers,P21001–02019A83BCF-chT2 1819 (4NCL) Demotion11.55
Cumbers,P2100Kay,L2087½–½2019C02BCF-chT2 1819 (4NCL) Demotion9.74
Ther,M2012Cumbers,P21001–02019C02BCF-chT2 1819 (4NCL) Demotion8.84
Cumbers,P2131Blake,J21620–12019C02BCF-chT2b 1819 (4NCL)7.85
Freeman,G2083Cumbers,P21371–02019A81BCF-chT2b 1819 (4NCL)6.86
Cumbers,P2137Punnett,A19911–02019C02BCF-chT2b 1819 (4NCL)5.66
Lampard,A1711Cumbers,P2157½–½2018A61BCF-chT2b 1819 (4NCL)2.68
Cumbers,P2157French,M20860–12018B12BCF-chT2b 1819 (4NCL)1.54
Cumbers,P2152Player,E22301–02018C02BCF-chT2 1718 (4NCL) Promotion pool11.42
Taylor,A2309Cumbers,P21671–02018A80BCF-chT1c 1718 (4NCL) Promotion pool9.47
Chapman,T2196Cumbers,P21671–02018C40BCF-chT1a 1718 (4NCL)7.47
Cumbers,P2174Chow,S23130–12018C00BCF-chT2a 1718 (4NCL)6.32
Cumbers,P2167Ahluwalia,A2045½–½2018C37BCF-chT1a 1718 (4NCL)5.48
Cumbers,P2174Longson,S2177½–½2018D07BCF-chT2a 1718 (4NCL)4.34
Galyas,M2502Cumbers,P21741–02018A65BCF-chT2a 1718 (4NCL)3.14
Cumbers,P2167Varney,Z20421–02017D45BCF-chT1a 1718 (4NCL)1.28
Cumbers,P2165Kalavannan,K21681–02017E83BCF-chT2 1617 (4NCL) Promotion pool11.32
Congiu,M2208Cumbers,P21671–02017C06BCF-chT1c 1617 (4NCL) Promotion pool9.26
Gantner,M2287Cumbers,P2167½–½2017C11BCF-chT1b 1617 (4NCL)7.77
Cumbers,P2170Russell,C2114½–½2017A96BCF-chT2a 1617 (4NCL)6.22
Foo,Z2264Cumbers,P21671–02017C00BCF-chT1b 1617 (4NCL)5.77
Longson,S2040Cumbers,P21670–12017C12BCF-chT1b 1617 (4NCL)4.88
Cumbers,P2167Stephens,J2140½–½2017D45BCF-chT2a 1617 (4NCL)3.23
Walker,D2299Cumbers,P21731–02016A26BCF-chT2c 1516 (4NCL)11.241
Cumbers,P2173Spence,D2312½–½2016E20BCF-chT2c 1516 (4NCL)9.242
Jackson,S2148Cumbers,P21701–02016C06BCF-chT1d 1516 (4NCL) Demotion pool8.176
Cumbers,P2188Guthrie,D2189½–½2016E20BCF-chT2a 1516 (4NCL)7.242
Bhatia,K2078Cumbers,P2188½–½2016C05BCF-chT2a 1516 (4NCL)6.222
Cumbers,P2188Maciol,R2170½–½2016E49BCF-chT2a 1516 (4NCL)5.242
Cumbers,P2170Jameson,D20881–02016D45BCF-chT1b 1516 (4NCL)4.177
Ross,C2206Cumbers,P2188½–½2016A70BCF-chT2a 1516 (4NCL)3.231
Karayiannis,C2172Cumbers,P21700–12015A65BCF-chT1b 1516 (4NCL)2.166
Cumbers,P2164Hoare,A2071½–½2015D36BCF-chT2c 1415 (4NCL)9.223
Tippleston,C2121Cumbers,P21640–12015C12BCF-chT2b 1415 (4NCL)7.6
Jackson,S2134Cumbers,P21640–12015C06BCF-chT2b 1415 (4NCL)3.29
Arnott,J2188Cumbers,P2147½–½2013C04BCF-chT2c 1213 (4NCL) Promotion pool8.26
Cumbers,P2147Brown,T20831–02013E92BCF-chT2a 1213 (4NCL)7.36
Foley,J-Cumbers,P21570–12012D05BCF-chT2c 1112 (4NCL)11.215
Morris,C2148Cumbers,P21570–12012A13BCF-chT2c 1112 (4NCL)9.15
Cumbers,P2157Wu,L2345½–½2012E91BCF-chT2c 1112 (4NCL)10.213
Stepanyan,H1956Cumbers,P2157½–½2012A21BCF-chT2c 1112 (4NCL)8.16
Majer,C2019Cumbers,P21571–02012C02BCF-chT2a 1112 (4NCL)7.17
Rosen,D2125Cumbers,P2157½–½2012C12BCF-chT2a 1112 (4NCL)6.5
Cumbers,P2157Lee,R20300–12012D19BCF-chT2a 1112 (4NCL)5.7
Farrand,J2124Cumbers,P21570–12012D01BCF-chT2a 1112 (4NCL)4.4
Cumbers,P2157Davey,M20051–02012A83BCF-chT2a 1112 (4NCL)3.8
Weller,P1987Cumbers,P21571–02011A45BCF-chT2a 1112 (4NCL)2.7
Cumbers,P2157Patrick,D19531–02011D15BCF-chT2a 1112 (4NCL)1.7
Taylor,W1816Cumbers,P2166½–½2011C03GBR-ch Major 98th6
Cumbers,P2166Armstrong,W19511–02011E97GBR-ch Major 98th5
Cumbers,P2166Burke,M19001–02011E90GBR-ch Major 98th3
Walker,S1956Cumbers,P2166½–½2011A26GBR-ch Major 98th4
Weller,J1977Cumbers,P21661–02011A45GBR-ch Major 98th2
Cumbers,P2166Johnson,P19171–02011D45GBR-ch Major 98th1
Bennett,D2017Cumbers,P22141–02011A47Gatwick e2e4 op-A4
Nettleton,C1834Cumbers,P22140–12011A34Gatwick e2e4 op-A5
Cumbers,P2214Homolka,V-1–02011D97Gatwick e2e4 op-A3
Cumbers,P2214Ilett,R18830–12011E20Gatwick e2e4 op-A2
Psaila,C1920Cumbers,P22141–02011C02Gatwick e2e4 op-A1
Roberson,P2291Cumbers,P22140–12011A01BCF-chT1d 1011 (4NCL) Demotion pool11.17
Cumbers,P2214Berry,N2331½–½2011D35BCF-chT1d 1011 (4NCL) Demotion pool10.18
Cumbers,P2214Savage,B22891–02011E20BCF-chT1d 1011 (4NCL) Demotion pool9.16
Cumbers,P2214Alfred,N22770–12011E97BCF-chT1d 1011 (4NCL) Demotion pool8.18
Martin,A2406Cumbers,P22141–02011A65BCF-chT1a 1011 (4NCL)7.13
Cumbers,P2214Duncan,C23140–12011D16BCF-chT1a 1011 (4NCL)6.13
Flear,G2495Cumbers,P22141–02011A70BCF-chT1a 1011 (4NCL)5.11
Cumbers,P2214Pitcher,J22170–12011D15BCF-chT1a 1011 (4NCL)4.14
Ferguson,M2379Cumbers,P22141–02011C04BCF-chT1a 1011 (4NCL)3.14
Cumbers,P2214Bellin,R23670–12010A92BCF-chT1a 1011 (4NCL)2.13
Wheeler,D2236Cumbers,P2214½–½2010C12BCF-chT1a 1011 (4NCL)1.12
Cumbers,P2218Grant,D20821–02010A06GBR-ch 97th11
Ball,L2230Cumbers,P22180–12010C11GBR-ch 97th10
Cumbers,P2218Josse,M21280–12010E20GBR-ch 97th9
Jackson,J2135Cumbers,P2218½–½2010C02GBR-ch 97th8
Cumbers,P2218Tymrakiewicz,R23010–12010D98GBR-ch 97th7
Baker,C2307Cumbers,P2218½–½2010C11GBR-ch 97th6
Cumbers,P2218Galliano,A20851–02010E94GBR-ch 97th5
Clarke,B2097Cumbers,P2218½–½2010C02GBR-ch 97th4
Cumbers,P2218Hawkins,J24230–12010A96GBR-ch 97th3
Cumbers,P2218Bucher,G20121–02010D97GBR-ch 97th2
Slavin,A2417Cumbers,P2218½–½2010A90GBR-ch 97th1
Anderton,M2244Cumbers,P22180–12010C12BCF-chT1d 0910 (4NCL) Demotion pool11.3
Rogers,J2329Cumbers,P22181–02010A32BCF-chT1d 0910 (4NCL) Demotion pool10.4
Cumbers,P2218Harakis,A22320–12010D36BCF-chT1d 0910 (4NCL) Demotion pool9.4
Shaw,D2241Cumbers,P22180–12010C12BCF-chT1d 0910 (4NCL) Demotion pool8.2
Cumbers,P2218McNab,C24680–12010A42BCF-chT1b 0910 (4NCL)7.2
Byway,P2158Cumbers,P22180–12010A30BCF-chT1b 0910 (4NCL)6.6
Ledger,D2205Cumbers,P22181–02010C12BCF-chT1b 0910 (4NCL)4.5
Cumbers,P2218Collinson,A23930–12010E94BCF-chT1b 0910 (4NCL)3.3
Redmond,J2196Cumbers,P22180–12009A34BCF-chT1b 0910 (4NCL)2.5