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WFM Jenny Qi

* 2011 (14)
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Strongest win Sebastian Suarez (2189) 0-1 Jenny Qi (1890)
Weakest loss Ainul Mardhiah Mohd Afif (1478) 1-0 Jenny Qi (1737)

Openings Played as White (16)

B15 - Caro-Kann
Average Elo: 1855
Result: 2/4 = 50%

B90 - Sicilian, Najdorf
Average Elo: 1768
Result: 2/4 = 50%

B19 - Caro-Kann, Classical
Average Elo: 1588
Result: 1.5/2 = 75%

C42 - Petrov Defense
Average Elo: 2096
Result: 0/2 = 0%

B45 - Sicilian, Taimanov
Average Elo: 1659
Result: 0.5/2 = 25%

B33 - Sicilian
Average Elo: 1914
Result: 0.5/2 = 25%

C65 - Ruy Lopez, Berlin Defense
Average Elo: 1138
Result: 2/2 = 100%

B03 - Alekhine's Defense
Average Elo: 1650
Result: 0.5/2 = 25%

B43 - Sicilian, Kan, 5.Nc3
Average Elo: 1357
Result: 1/1 = 100%

C78 - Ruy Lopez
Average Elo: 1044
Result: 1/1 = 100%

B48 - Sicilian, Taimanov Variation
Average Elo: 1912
Result: 0/1 = 0%

B78 - Sicilian, Dragon, Yugoslav Attack, 10.castle long
Average Elo: 2015
Result: 0/1 = 0%

C96 - Ruy Lopez, Closed
Average Elo: 2045
Result: 0.5/1 = 50%

B16 - Caro-Kann, Bronstein-Larsen Variation
Average Elo: 2066
Result: 0.5/1 = 50%

B32 - Sicilian
Average Elo: 1670
Result: 1/1 = 100%

B76 - Sicilian, Dragon, Yugoslav Attack
Average Elo: 1588
Result: 1/1 = 100%

Openings Played as Black (20)

A16 - English
Average Elo: 2142
Result: 1/3 = 33.33%

B22 - Sicilian, Alapin
Average Elo: 1802
Result: 0.5/2 = 25%

B90 - Sicilian, Najdorf
Average Elo: 1804
Result: 1.5/2 = 75%

B99 - Sicilian, Najdorf, 7...Be7 Main line
Average Elo: 1610
Result: 1.5/2 = 75%

D20 - Queen's Gambit Accepted
Average Elo: 2092
Result: 0/2 = 0%

A48 - King's Indian
Average Elo: 1760
Result: 1/1 = 100%

E10 - Queen's Pawn Game
Average Elo: 2280
Result: 0/1 = 0%

B95 - Sicilian, Najdorf, 6...e6
Average Elo: 0
Result: 1/1 = 100%

A03 - Bird's Opening
Average Elo: 1673
Result: 1/1 = 100%

D87 - Grunfeld, Exchange
Average Elo: 1417
Result: 1/1 = 100%

B50 - Sicilian
Average Elo: 2121
Result: 0/1 = 0%

A13 - English
Average Elo: 2069
Result: 0/1 = 0%

B01 - Scandinavian
Average Elo: 1856
Result: 1/1 = 100%

D00 - Queen's Pawn Game
Average Elo: 1873
Result: 0/1 = 0%

A07 - King's Indian Attack
Average Elo: 2330
Result: 0/1 = 0%

E03 - Catalan, Open
Average Elo: 1478
Result: 0/1 = 0%

E01 - Catalan, Closed
Average Elo: 1305
Result: 0.5/1 = 50%

B25 - Sicilian, Closed
Average Elo: 1957
Result: 0/1 = 0%

B23 - Sicilian, Closed
Average Elo: 1769
Result: 1/1 = 100%

B87 - Sicilian, Fischer-Sozin with ...a6 and ...b5
Average Elo: 1607
Result: 0/1 = 0%

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1.d4 d5 2.c4 dxc4 3.e3 e5 4.Bxc4 exd4 5.exd4 Bd6 6.Nf3 Nf6 7.0-0 0-0 8.h3 Nc6 9.Nc3 h6 10.Be3 Bf5 11.Re1 a6 12.a3 Qd7 13.b4 Rae8 14.Be2 Na7 15.Ne5 Qd8 16.Bf3 c6 17.Nc4 Bc7 18.Rc1 Nd5 19.Nxd5 cxd5 20.Ne5 f6 21.Nd3 Bb6 22.Nf4 Be4 23.Bxe4 Rxe4 24.Qb3 Nc6 25.Nxd5 Kh8 26.Nxb6 Qxb6 27.d5 Nd4 28.Qd3 Rfe8 29.Rc4 f5 30.Rd1 Nf3+ 31.gxf3 Qg6+ 32.Kf1 R4e7 33.d6 Rd7 34.Rc7 Qe6 35.Qd5 Rdd8 36.Qxe6 1–0
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Venkatesh,N2214Qi,J18341–02024D20North American-ch UNN5
Cupid,K2181Qi,J18901–02024A16Titled Tuesday intern op 26th Nov Late2
De Lima,V1971Qi,J18901–02024D20Titled Tuesday intern op 26th Nov Late8
Qi,J1890Kjaergaard Jensen,J20810–12024B03Titled Tuesday intern op 26th Nov Late6
Qi,J1890Rouast,J21230–12024C42Titled Tuesday intern op 26th Nov Late3
Qi,J1890Urbina Perez,J22480–12024B15Titled Tuesday intern op 26th Nov Late1
Suarez,S2189Qi,J18900–12024B90Titled Tuesday intern op 26th Nov Late5
Travesset Sagre,J2330Qi,J18901–02024A07Titled Tuesday intern op 26th Nov Late4
Zepeda Berlanga,J1856Qi,J18900–12024B01Titled Tuesday intern op 26th Nov Late7
Qi,J1898Shanmathi Sree,S17620–12024B90Wch U14 Girls5
Pavao,A1744Qi,J1898½–½2024B70Wch U14 Girls4
Qi,J1898Preobrazhenskaya,D20840–12024B90Wch U14 Girls3
Trujillo,G1769Qi,J18980–12024B23Wch U14 Girls2
Qi,J1898Nunes,N15881–02024B76Wch U14 Girls1
Namala,D1607Qi,J17421–02024B87Pan American-ch U14 Girls 34th9
Qi,J1742Fiset,A1821½–½2024B15Pan American-ch U14 Girls 34th7
Qi,J1742Qiao,E16701–02024B32Pan American-ch U14 Girls 34th8
Zhang,J1706Qi,J17420–12024B99Pan American-ch U14 Girls 34th6
Qi,J1742Silva,J18371–02024B90Pan American-ch U14 Girls 34th5
Qi,J1742Porat,T1917½–½2024B33Pan American-ch U14 Girls 34th2
Hernandez Luna,J1957Qi,J17611–02024B25San Jose 1000 GM April Gp55.3
Qi,J1761Solis Castro,A2066½–½2024B16San Jose 1000 GM April Gp54.3
Cutiyog,J1305Qi,J1737½–½2023E01Wch U14 Girls11
Qi,J1737Chasouraki,C1559½–½2023B45Wch U14 Girls10
Mohd Afif,A1478Qi,J17371–02023E03Wch U14 Girls9
Qi,J1737Wang,Y11861–02023C65Wch U14 Girls8
Zerarga,I1514Qi,J1737½–½2023B99Wch U14 Girls7
Qi,J1737Kazhiakhmetova,E1218½–½2023B03Wch U14 Girls6
Maklakova,N1873Qi,J17371–02023D00Wch U14 Girls5
Qi,J1737Dimatangihan,A10911–02023C65Wch U14 Girls4
Sodgerelt,N1419Qi,J1737½–½2023B90Wch U14 Girls3
Qi,J1737Tsetskhladze,M19110–12023B33Wch U14 Girls2
Qi,J1696Dominguez Rincon,M2045½–½2023C96Sunnyvale 1000 GM Schev-D 093
Ramirez Gonzalez,A1971Qi,J16961–02023B22Sunnyvale 1000 GM Schev-D 095
Vasquez Ramirez,R2069Qi,J16961–02023A13Sunnyvale 1000 GM Schev-D 094
Cuenca Gomez,J2121Qi,J16961–02023B50Sunnyvale 1000 GM Schev-D 092
Qi,J1696Durham,D20150–12023B78Sunnyvale 1000 GM Schev-D 091
Qi,J1652Chang,Y1592½–½2023B15North Island-ch Staurt Memorial7
McDonald,D1632Qi,J1652½–½2023B22North Island-ch Staurt Memorial6
Qi,J1652Powlesland,B13571–02023B43North Island-ch Staurt Memorial3
Ang,A2280Qi,J16521–02023E10North Island-ch Staurt Memorial2
Qi,J1652Holdo,K13911–02023B90North Island-ch Staurt Memorial1
Qi,J1556Kerr,A19531–02023B19NZL-ch op-B 130th8
Qi,J1556Van der Hoorn,T20680–12023C42NZL-ch U18 op7
Hunt,L1673Qi,J15560–12023A03NZL-ch op-B 130th7
Ng,L1417Qi,J15560–12023D87NZL-ch U18 op6
Qi,J1556Gan,E17590–12023B45NZL-ch op-B 130th6
Qi,J1556Paxton,L19120–12023B48NZL-ch U18 op5
Aldridge,A1760Qi,J15560–12023A48NZL-ch op-B 130th5
Chen,B-Qi,J15560–12023B95NZL-ch U18 op4
Qi,J1556Scott,D17601–02023B15NZL-ch op-B 130th4
Qi,J1556Zhang,F10441–02023C78NZL-ch U18 op3
Gong,D2388Qi,J15561–02023A16NZL-ch U18 op2
Rossiter,P1858Qi,J15560–12023A16NZL-ch op-B 130th3
Qi,J1556Baker,I1224½–½2023B19NZL-ch op-B 130th2