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Uwe Rauch

* 1963 (62)
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Strongest win Uwe Rauch (0) 1-0 Hansjuerg Kaenel (2441)
Weakest loss Marco Riehle (1950) 1-0 Uwe Rauch (2193)

Openings Played as White (20)

B01 - Scandinavian
Average Elo: 2224
Result: 4/4 = 100%

B33 - Sicilian
Average Elo: 2325
Result: 2.5/4 = 62.5%

B22 - Sicilian, Alapin
Average Elo: 2152
Result: 1.5/4 = 37.5%

B11 - Caro-Kann, Two Knights, 3...Bg4
Average Elo: 2184
Result: 0/3 = 0%

B41 - Sicilian, Kan
Average Elo: 2354
Result: 1/3 = 33.33%

C36 - King's Gambit Accepted, Abbazia Defense
Average Elo: 2216
Result: 1/3 = 33.33%

B07 - Pirc
Average Elo: 2242
Result: 2/3 = 66.67%

B75 - Sicilian, Dragon, Yugoslav Attack
Average Elo: 2278
Result: 1/2 = 50%

D02 - Queen's Pawn Game
Average Elo: 2302
Result: 1.5/2 = 75%

B08 - Pirc, Classical
Average Elo: 2207
Result: 1/2 = 50%

B87 - Sicilian, Fischer-Sozin with ...a6 and ...b5
Average Elo: 2078
Result: 1.5/2 = 75%

B86 - Sicilian, Fischer-Sozin Attack
Average Elo: 2279
Result: 0/2 = 0%

B32 - Sicilian
Average Elo: 0
Result: 2/2 = 100%

B34 - Sicilian, Accelerated Fianchetto
Average Elo: 2186
Result: 1.5/2 = 75%

C54 - Giuoco Piano
Average Elo: 2204
Result: 0.5/2 = 25%

D36 - Queen's Gambit Declined, Exchange, Positional line, 6.Qc2
Average Elo: 0
Result: 0.5/1 = 50%

E94 - King's Indian, Orthodox
Average Elo: 0
Result: 0/1 = 0%

A46 - Queen's Pawn Game
Average Elo: 0
Result: 1/1 = 100%

D19 - Queen's Gambit Declined Slav, Dutch
Average Elo: 0
Result: 1/1 = 100%

C29 - Vienna Gambit
Average Elo: 2234
Result: 1/1 = 100%

Openings Played as Black (20)

C63 - Ruy Lopez, Schliemann Defense
Average Elo: 2345
Result: 3/5 = 60%

A24 - English, Bremen System with ...g6
Average Elo: 2224
Result: 2/3 = 66.67%

A52 - Budapest Gambit
Average Elo: 1970
Result: 1.5/3 = 50%

A45 - Queen's Pawn Game
Average Elo: 2099
Result: 0.5/3 = 16.67%

A16 - English
Average Elo: 2266
Result: 1.5/3 = 50%

A00 - Uncommon Opening
Average Elo: 2098
Result: 2/2 = 100%

C32 - King's Gambit Declined, Falkbeer Counter Gambit
Average Elo: 0
Result: 0.5/2 = 25%

D02 - Queen's Pawn Game
Average Elo: 2247
Result: 2/2 = 100%

B79 - Sicilian, Dragon, Yugoslav Attack, 12.h4
Average Elo: 2255
Result: 0/2 = 0%

E91 - King's Indian
Average Elo: 2251
Result: 0/2 = 0%

D87 - Grunfeld, Exchange
Average Elo: 2411
Result: 1/2 = 50%

B38 - Sicilian, Accelerated Fianchetto, Maroczy Bind, 6.Be3
Average Elo: 2286
Result: 1/2 = 50%

D91 - Grunfeld, 5.Bg5
Average Elo: 2163
Result: 1/1 = 100%

C50 - Giuoco Piano
Average Elo: 0
Result: 0/1 = 0%

C56 - Two Knights
Average Elo: 2134
Result: 0/1 = 0%

A57 - Benko Gambit
Average Elo: 0
Result: 0.5/1 = 50%

B05 - Alekhine's Defense, Modern
Average Elo: 0
Result: 0.5/1 = 50%

E69 - King's Indian, Fianchetto, Classical Main line
Average Elo: 2350
Result: 0/1 = 0%

D00 - Queen's Pawn Game
Average Elo: 2091
Result: 0.5/1 = 50%

E92 - King's Indian
Average Elo: 2126
Result: 0/1 = 0%

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1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 g6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Qxd4 Nf6 5.e5 Nc6 6.Qa4 Nd5 7.Qe4 Nb6 8.Nc3 Bg7 9.Bf4 0-0 10.0-0-0 f6 11.e6 d6 12.Bb5 Ne5 13.Nd4 Qc7 14.Nd5 Nxd5 15.Qxd5 Rb8 16.h4 a6 17.Be2 b5 18.Qb3 Nc4 19.Rh3 Bb7 20.Qg3 Rfc8 21.h5 Be4 22.hxg6 hxg6 23.Bd3 Bxd3 24.Rxd3 g5 25.Qg4 Nxb2 26.Kxb2 f5 27.Rh8+ Bxh8 28.Qxg5+ Bg7 29.c3 b4 30.Rg3 Qxc3+ 31.Rxc3 Rxc3 32.Be5 1–0
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Higatsberger,M2037Rauch,U20831–02024B27Bad Woerishofen Seniors op 39th5
Rauch,U2083Okrajek,A2128½–½2024B15Bad Woerishofen Seniors op 39th4
Weinwurm,W2016Rauch,U20830–12024B38Bad Woerishofen Seniors op 39th3
Rauch,U2083Stern,R19621–02024C00Bad Woerishofen Seniors op 39th2
Koll,L2073Rauch,U21461–02023B39Baden Baden op8
Heimann,A2557Rauch,U21461–02023B38Baden Baden op2
Rauch,U2103Becker,D22470–12020B22Verbandsliga Suedbaden 19206.2
Becker,D2247Rauch,U21030–12020D02Verbandsliga Suedbaden 19205.2
Rauch,U2103Milosevic,G2291½–½2020A37Verbandsliga Suedbaden 19204.2
Rauch,U2103Schuh,H22920–12019A30Verbandsliga Suedbaden 19203.3
Sonnenfeld,D2091Rauch,U2103½–½2019D00Verbandsliga Suedbaden 19202.3
Rauch,U2103Toedter,C19560–12019B11Verbandsliga Suedbaden 19201.3
Rauch,U2196Flick,A21690–12016B22Verbandsliga Suedbaden 15168.2
Rauch,U2196Schlindwein,R2410½–½2016C30Verbandsliga Suedbaden 15167.1
Rauch,U2196Geuss,P22341–02016C29Verbandsliga Suedbaden 15166.2
Riehle,M2134Rauch,U21961–02016C56Verbandsliga Suedbaden 15165.2
Rauch,U2196Boesch,U21011–02015B38Verbandsliga Suedbaden 15164.2
Metz,H2326Rauch,U2196½–½2015C30Verbandsliga Suedbaden 15163.2
Rauch,U2196Schmider,B22120–12015D74Verbandsliga Suedbaden 15162.2
Rauch,U2196Gloor,R23631–02015B40Verbandsliga Suedbaden 15161.1
Riehle,M1950Rauch,U21931–02015B55Verbandsliga Suedbaden 14157.3
Rauch,U2193Ahner,T2100½–½2015B22Verbandsliga Suedbaden 14156.3
Rauch,U2193Gersinska,J22710–12015B99Verbandsliga Suedbaden 14155.3
Schmidt,J2098Rauch,U21930–12014A00Verbandsliga Suedbaden 14154.3
Rauch,U2193Ciara,D2034½–½2014B87Verbandsliga Suedbaden 14153.3
Steiger,W2323Rauch,U21970–12014A24Verbandsliga Sued Baden 13149.5
Schwierskott,M2224Rauch,U21970–12014A16Verbandsliga Sued Baden 13148.4
Rauch,U2197Bittner,T2155½–½2014C54Verbandsliga Sued Baden 13147.4
Rauch,U2197Lang,A20790–12014A07Verbandsliga Sued Baden 13146.5
Schuler,K2196Rauch,U2197½–½2014B30Verbandsliga Sued Baden 13144.5
Rauch,U2197Johne,F19681–02013C59Verbandsliga Sued Baden 13143.5
Fruehe,N-Rauch,U21780–12013C00Verbandsliga Sued Baden 13142.5
Schmidt,W2249Rauch,U21810–12013B35Verbandsliga Sued Baden 13141.6
Johne,F1970Rauch,U2184½–½2013A52Verbandsliga Sued Baden 12139.5
Schild,C2308Rauch,U21841–02013A16Verbandsliga Sued Baden 12138.4
Feiler,J2138Rauch,U21841–02013E91Verbandsliga Sued Baden 12137.5
Rauch,U2184Mueller,P20871–02013B75Verbandsliga Sued Baden 12136.5
Kirschner,P-Rauch,U21841–02013A45Verbandsliga Sued Baden 12135.5
Rauch,U2184Meyer,P2318½–½2013C10Verbandsliga Sued Baden 12134.3
Fischer,D2124Rauch,U21810–12012A24Verbandsliga Sued Baden 12133.5
Bauer,A2188Rauch,U21731–02012B23Verbandsliga Sued Baden 12132.4
Rauch,U2173Menge,M20421–02012B06Verbandsliga Sued Baden 12131.5
Rauch,U2173Niessen,S20041–02012C03Verbandsliga Sued Baden 11129.4
Rauch,U2173Hurst,P21311–02012B01Verbandsliga Sued Baden 11128.3
Rauch,U2173Zesiger,H21070–12012C42Verbandsliga Sued Baden 11127.4
Rauch,U2173Ammann,P22071–02012B08Verbandsliga Sued Baden 11126.3
Rauch,U2173Kramer,C19331–02012C09Verbandsliga Sued Baden 11125.4
Mathonia,C2216Rauch,U21731–02011D95Verbandsliga Sued Baden 11124.4
Rauch,U2173Stolle,V2178½–½2011B12Verbandsliga Sued Baden 11123.3
Fessler,S-Rauch,U21730–12011D87Verbandsliga Sued Baden 11121.4
Rauch,U2170Vandrey,W23050–12010B41Bayern-chI Bank Hofmann 14th9
Fedorovsky,M2411Rauch,U21701–02010D87Bayern-chI Bank Hofmann 14th8
Rauch,U2170Bakhmatov,E23621–02010B41Bayern-chI Bank Hofmann 14th7
Singer,C2369Rauch,U2170½–½2010B31Bayern-chI Bank Hofmann 14th6
Rauch,U2170Reefschlaeger,H2302½–½2010D02Bayern-chI Bank Hofmann 14th5
Ovsejevitsch,S2597Rauch,U21701–02010D80Bayern-chI Bank Hofmann 14th2
Rauch,U2201Osorio Ortiz,M22280–12007C16Baden-ch1
Rauch,U-Eichler,R-1–02005B32Verbandsliga Sued Baden 04059.2
Rauch,U-Starostits,I24690–12005B75Verbandsliga Sued Baden 04058.1
Rauch,U-Lossau,S2132½–½2005C17Verbandsliga Sued Baden 04057.2
Rauch,U-Schlenker,J22590–12005C31Verbandsliga Sued Baden 04056.1
Rauch,U-Khurtsidze,N23910–12005B43Verbandsliga Sued Baden 04055.2
Rauch,U-Diehl,J-1–02004B34Verbandsliga Sued Baden 04054.3
Rauch,U-Perez,J22790–12004B86Verbandsliga Sued Baden 04052.2
Rauch,U-Kaenel,H2356½–½2004B47Verbandsliga Sued Baden 04051.1
Rauch,U-Von Buhrmeister,P-1–02004B32Baden VLS 03049.2
Rauch,U-Dittmar,H-0–12004B86Baden VLS 03047.2
Rauch,U-Terraz,C21111–02004C32Baden VLS 03046.1
Rauch,U-Eiler,J2116½–½2004B05Baden VLS 03044.1
Rauch,U-Steiger,W23251–02004B45Verbandsliga Sued Baden 04053.1
Rauch,U-Montoro,A21891–02003B23Baden VLS 03042.2
Rauch,U-Steiger,W2325½–½2003B33Baden VLS 03041.1
Rauch,U-Hofrichter,J21561–02003B01Baden VLS 02037.1
Rauch,U-Einhorn,L-1–02003C12Baden VLS 02036.2
Rauch,U-Ballmann,M2431½–½2003B56Baden VLS 02035.1
Rauch,U-Bolt,P-½–½2002C34Baden VLS 02034.2
Rauch,U-Zichanowicz,M-1–02002B01Baden VLS 02033.4
Rauch,U-Schmidt,J22710–12002B44Baden VLS 02032.1
Rauch,U-Jost,C22630–12002C36Baden VLS 02031.2
Rauch,U2119Hertzog,W2110½–½2002C37Baden VLS 01029.2
Rauch,U-Knippel,M-½–½2002C11Baden VLS 01027.2
Rauch,U-Ackermann,D-½–½2002B33Baden VLS 01026.1
Rauch,U-Von Buhrmeister,P-½–½2002B33Baden VLS 01025.2